This Afternoon's Odd News 10/29/18

Catch ODD NEWS each hour 2p-7p weekdays with Chris Marino on Q92!

The Top Five Lies We Tell Co-Workers to Make Our Weekend Sound More Fun Than It Really Was

If someone at work asks what you did over the weekend, would you admit you just binge-watched Netflix and tore through two bags of Doritos? Or do you sometimes glam it up a little bit?

A recent survey found roughly 30% of us sometimes lie or exaggerate on Monday morning to make our weekend sound more fun than it really was. Here are the five things we're most likely to lie about or embellish . . .

1. Going to a bar, or how much fun you had while you were there.

2. A restaurant you went to, or how nice it was.

3. That you worked out or went to the gym.

4. A cultural activity, or something educational.

5. A road trip, or something you left town for.

About 20% of people said they've been caught lying about their weekend before. And 51% said they regularly regret not making more of their two days off work.


More Than 25,000 People Have Signed a Petition to Change the Date of Halloween

Is it bad that Halloween is always on October 31st no matter what?

It sometimes feels that way, especially on a year like this, where it's on a Wednesday . . . and it would be so much better for kids AND adults if we were celebrating it on a weekend.

So is THIS the answer? There's a petition on right now where people are calling to give Halloween a floating date, where it's always the last Saturday in October.

That would make Halloween more like Labor Day, which is always the first Monday in September regardless of the date . . . and less like Independence Day, which is always on July 4th.

And so far, more than 25,000 people have signed the petition.

Halloween has been celebrated on the last day of October dating back at least 2,000 years, when it was an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain. (Pronounced sow-in.)

(Washington Post / / History)

The Reason People Love Haunted Houses and Horror Movies? They Trick Your Brain Into Feeling Good

Believe it or not, there's a scientific explanation for why you like haunted houses and horror movies.

A new study found that when people finish doing something scary . . . but where, deep down, they knew there was no real danger . . . it affects their brain the way a REAL scary situation would.

And that means it basically TRICKS your brain into releasing endorphins, which make you feel good and put you in a better mood. Now you know.


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