The Hardest Thing to Give Up for Lent? #1 Answer Is TV But Not For Youth

A new poll for Ash Wednesday asked 8,000 people to name the HARDEST things to give up for 40 days for Lent.

Here are the seven hardest things to give up . . .

1. Watching TV or using streaming services. 29% said it would be the hardest thing to give up. It was the #1 answer for every age group except 18- to 24-year-olds.

2. Caffeine, 19%.

3. Social networking, 11%. It was the #1 answer for young people. 24% of people between 18 and 24 said it would be the hardest, compared to just 7% of people over 55.

4. Chocolate, also 11% overall.

5. Soda, 7%.

6. Alcohol, 6%.

7. Fast food, 5%.

8% of people said they weren't sure which one of those things would be the hardest to give up. And 4% said they already abstain from all of them. 

(YouGov) Image © 2020 GettyImages

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